Cat, Cadaverous, Moderate
Challenge: Circle 2
DEX: |
6 |
Initiative: |
8 |
Unconsciousness: |
STR: |
4 |
Physical Defense: |
8 |
Death Rating: |
26 |
TOU: |
4 |
Mystic Defense: |
7 |
Wound Threshold: |
6 |
PER: |
5 |
Social Defense: |
6 |
Knockdown: |
8 |
6 |
Physical Armor: |
0 |
Recovery Tests: |
1 |
CHA: |
4 |
Mystic Armor: |
1 |
Bite: 11 (6)
Claws: 11 (5)
Climbing (11): As the skill, Player's Guide, p. 134.
Enhanced Sense [Hearing] (2)
Enhanced Sense [Other] (1): Astral Sight, as the talent, Player's Guide, p. 129.
Enhanced Sense [Sight]: Low Light Vision
Great Leap (2)
Stealthy Stride (10): As the skill, Player's Guide, p. 170.
Fury (+4): As the creature power, Gamemaster's Guide, p. 251.
Rage: As the cadaver man power, Gamemaster's Guide, p. 470.
Special Maneuvers:
Misdirect (Opponent, Close Combat): The attacker may spend two additional successes against a cadaverous creature affected by the Rage power to direct the cadaverous creature at a specific target. This may not be used to direct the cadaverous creature against its allies. If there are multiple instances of this special maneuver or Provoke, only the most recent has any use.
Enrage (Opponent): As the common maneuver, Gamemaster's Guide, p. 252. This will cause a cadaverous creature to Rage.
Pounce (Cat)
Provoke (Opponent, Close Combat): As the common maneuver, Gamemaster's Guide, p. 252. This will cause a cadaverous creature to Rage. This special maneuver only requires one additional success if the cadaverous creature is affected by the Rage power. If there are multiple instances of this special maneuver or Misdirect, only the most recent has any use.